Joris De Cock

Festival of Speed 2021: The engines roar again on the Goodwood Hill, an impression of day one. Thursday, 8 July 2021

After two years of waiting, the time had finally come: the Festival of Speed or FOS could start its next edition. It almost didn’t take place again, but the British government gave permission for the organisation under the title of a “test event”. Perhaps a little odd with the new flare-ups of the Delta variant, but who are we to judge? Unfortunately, we could not be there due to travel restrictions from outside the UK with the necessary quarantines of twice 10 days! The FOS 2021 is the biggest event in the UK after the various lockdowns since March 2020.

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Grand Prix Historique de Monaco 2021: A covid edition where quality prevailed over quantity.


Organising events in covid times is no simple task. The organiser has to take many things into account. First of all, there are the sanitary regulations and then there are the travel restrictions and quarantine obligations. It was no different for the automobile club de Monaco or ACM, organiser of the Monaco Grand Prix, the Rally of Monte-Carlo ( WRC and historique ), the Grand Prix Historique and the Monaco Formula E Prix.

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