Road trip through Kyrgyzstan, the preliminary fun has begun

Our most challenging road trip is quietly approaching. This statement reminded me that I may have written down this same sentence last year.

Back then, we were on the eve of the Baltic Sea Circle Rally. And yet we have a feeling that this one will be just a little bit more exciting.

On Saturday 25 May, we were expected at the Energy Up estate in Zeewolde for a get-together with the various groups.

We were also given our jerseys and roadbooks. Urmat and his wife had come all the way from Kyrgyzstan to the Netherlands for the occasion.

Jos, the organiser and our main contact, told us in words and colours what would be in store for us. How it all started and from where the love for the country arose was discussed in detail. He also emphasised that we were guests in Kyrgyzstan and that we had to show the necessary respect to nature and its inhabitants. Logical for most but still.

Urmat will be our local guide in Kyrgyzstan, it was the first time for him to visit the Netherlands.

The schedule for today included a briefing on what to expect on this trip. And we were able to take a tour with the Buhanka, our vehicle for the trip.


After lunch, we were soon invited to join a tour and the driver suggested we go off-road for a while.

It soon became clear that even a Buhanka can sometimes suffer in Dutch flooded grounds.

After a lot of pulling and dragging, the cars came free again and so the first Buhanka adventure was over.

The group

Still, always a bit exciting to get to know the other participants in the group. Especially when you know that the three of us are the only Belgians riding along.

In our group, the ages ranged from 23 to 61, which is quite nice. In any case, there was a common denominator, everyone likes to travel and enjoys some adventure. There were plenty of stories about past adventures and what everyone was expecting from this trip. In any case, we thought it would be a fun group and we are already looking forward to seeing everyone again!


De Verdwaalde Jongens is the Dutch organisation facilitating this trip. They provide a roadbook and make sure we can meet every night and (hopefully) get something to eat. The necessary permits will also be taken care of so we don’t have to worry about that. Furthermore, they will arrange any assistance should we break down. We have been assured that that chance is very high and is part of the adventure.

The trip

Most of us have had a quick look at the road book anyway and we can’t help but note that a fantastic adventure awaits us. We will be on the road for 16 days plus one day on and off. Sometimes we sleep in our own tent, sometimes in a yurt and sometimes even in a real hotel. In total, we are driving a little under 3000km across Kyrgyzstan. You can most easily follow us on TeamBigGeorge’s Facebook / Instagram and Wheels-and-things Facebook. Later, there will be a detailed report on the blog.