The start in Hamburg, we were there
On 18 February, the first group of the Baltic Sea Circle Rally winter edition started and we went to soak up the atmosphere.
Registration and brief explanation of some assignments

A rally also requires a registration. Of course, this was done months ago, but still some administration needs to be done.
One of the tasks is to start with a paperclip and try to exchange it for a better object along the way.
A road book is part of a rally

The road book is a big winner. The book is, as far as we could see, very professionally laid out. No fixed route has been mapped out. There are, however, points in the book that are interesting to visit and there are often assignments linked to these points.
Enjoying the atmosphere

Actually, we would have been on the road by now. Numerous circumstances have caused us to postpone our trip for a year. Nevertheless, we are following the current rally and we will let you enjoy it with us. The start in Hamburg took place in the pouring rain.
Many contacts made

Since we would be participating ourselves, we already had contact with several other participants. They provided us with photos and videos to compile this article. Like the team of casuallycrossingborders, they will drive the trip with an electric BMW iX. It seems like a challenge to drive this trip electrically :-). To all the other teams who provided us with photo material, thank you!
Ride with team Iceroadmen
Driving over snow and ice may not seem difficult until you get behind the wheel. Don’t underestimate the 500 km that have to be covered every day!

If there is one thing in this rally, it is togetherness. And you could already see that before the start. Everyone has a chat with each other, often about the vehicle of course. And along the way you see that everyone helps each other. Today you give help and maybe tomorrow you are on the side and then you also hope that someone stops to help.
Racing on an ice track

One of the planned activities is a short tour on an ice track. The men from team Svetlada have provided us with the necessary photos, for which we would like to thank them!
The crazy movies of team Svetlada
Halfway, meeting at the Arctic Circle

It was planned to meet at the Arctic Circle monument on Saturday, 26-02-22. The bad weather decided otherwise. Some teams went to have a look on Friday when it was still possible. Team Iceroadmen gave us some nice statues. I bet many will be jealous of them.
Closed roads

The weather on the road is rather bad, it is also too warm for the time of year. Sometimes there is heavy snowfall and storms. Because of this, it can happen that roads are closed. Apparently, a snowplough then comes and you can drive behind it in convoy.
Northern Lights

Personally, I think it will be one of the many highlights of the trip. Due to the bad weather, it looked like it was going to be difficult until it cleared up on Friday. Once it was thunder, the spectacle could begin. Many teams have posted pictures, above you see one of the most beautiful pictures 🙂
On to Finland

The rally is now officially over halfway and they are gradually heading home. Of course, there are still several countries to pass through. The first is Finland where many teams are now passing through. The weather inland is also clearly better.
More information about the rally can be found at the organiser Superlative-Adventure.
You can follow the rally via FindPenguins

Keep an eye on our blog because part two of the rally will soon follow!
If you want to follow and support our team next year, be sure to check out our FB page!
My special thanks go to the following teams who provided us with images:
Team: Svetlada
Team: Iceroadmen
Team: Casuallycrossingborders
Team: Ribera
Report: Patrick Verheeken
Photos: Patrick Verheeken & the different team members