Patrick Verheeken

10 gift ideas that will make any petrolhead happy.

A top 10 gift ideas for under the Christmas tree is becoming an annual tradition. And just like the other years, we try to put a nice mix of very affordable to slightly more exclusive among them. A dream list for most petrolheads.

1: Waft book

10 gift ideas, Waft Book

What could be more fun for a petrolhead to get than an automotive book? Right, an automotive book from publisher Waft! Yes, we can be quite proud of Bart & Lies who run a publishing house from Antwerp for books they publish themselves.

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Adventurous Roadtrip through Kyrgyzstan with The Lost Boys: Part 3


Last night the three of us slept in the Bukhanka, for this we had to take out a seat. Pitching the tent would not have been easy with all those boulders hence our choice. Well, we were promised an adventurous road trip didn’t we.

We still had some bread with us so had a quiet breakfast. And quiet it certainly was because we still hadn’t heard from our Dutch friends. Once we were back on the road and had coverage again, we got Urmat on the phone. He was able to reassure us that everyone was fine. He also told us that they might be stuck for a while and that it was best for us to continue our route.

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